Sunday, 17 August 2008

Thoughts for reflection . . . (God's Word)

Am I making full use of God's Word in my life?
God's Word is multi-faceted in how it can effect our lives. But the power of God's Word working in us is proportionate to the place we give it in our daily lives and the application by faith of all that God has written in it. In 2 Timothy 3.16 we see that the Word is able to make us wise unto salvation, it instructs us, reproves and corrects us and ultimately can make us fully equipped to live the life that God has ordained for us to walk (Eph 2.10). God's Word is life changing but am I allowing it to be to me? Do I give myself wholly to it? Or is it a treasure chest that I do not regularly open through fear, lack of appreciating it importance or because of the distraction of all the other activities of life? (Luke 8.14)

- sent from Palm T|T3

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