Monday, 18 May 2009

Thoughts for reflection . . . (Response)

Much of our lives consists of a series of actions and reactions. Situations arising that bring about a response in us or to which we will be tempted to respond.

Learning how to respond in the right way in every situation is part of growing in Christlikeness and will determine the level of victory I experience in my life, where I see God's promises working effectively in me.

Ps106.33 provides a lesson in responses. Here we see Moses provoked by very trying circumstances and responding in a wrong way which brought severe consequences. Our responses will be in word, thought or action. The nature of the response will be according to how we let the situation affect our spirit (heart, inner man). The Scriptures declare in Proverbs that 'He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.' Also, 'He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.'
[Num20.7-12, Prov16.32, 25.28]

One of the ways to rule our spirit is to maintain the correct perspective at all times. The moment we lose the perspective God wants us to have, we become vulnerable to attack, like a city without walls and can be affected and influenced in our thoughts and emotions in a way that can bring about wrong responses and reactions with damaging consequences to our lives.

May my perspective always be one that is spiritual not just physical, eternal and not just temporal, and with consideration of how the Lord would walk through those times and circumstances. Then through a total dependancy upon God, when the sponge of my life is squeezed by the pressures around me what will pour forth in reaction is God's grace and the fruit that the Holy Spirit is developing in my life.

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Thoughts for reflection . . . (Open Book)

Our lives are like pages of a book. Yet it is not a book hidden from view, but known and read of all that we come into contact with. What do others read from the pages they see of my life?

Does my life story display a life that is submitted to God? A life where the grace of God is in operation? When the world reads the pages, do they see that although I may experience the same 'sun and rain' as them that there is a divine difference in how I pass through? Is the fruit of a character that is being moulded by the Lord evident to others?

We are always being watched and read by those around us, even when it is not apparent. Let us remember that to some we may be the only pages they read that will speak of Christ the Saviour.

May the book of my life that is being written day by day be a consistent reflection of Christ, a story of God's working in a life that is consecrated to Him. May the message written in those pages be clear and easily understood by others, that through me God may reach out and save those that are reading.