Sunday 8 March 2009

Thoughts for reflection . . . (Forgive)

The condition of our relationship with those around us is of vital importance in keeping our lives free from oppression and in continual peace.

As we travel along the pathway of life there are many situations we will encounter with people that will create a potential for offense and hurt: events that would cry out for us to seek retribution, vindication or rectification.
[Matt18.7, Luke17.1]

We need to recognise that hidden in the shadows behind those circumstances is one of the most dangerous enemies of our souls, namely unforgiveness. Unforgiveness has many masks, many polite exteriors, yet the deadly poison it is remains the same whatever title is written on the bottle.

The Lord Jesus when teaching on forgiveness, after telling of the lord that delivered the unforgiving servant to the tormentors says, 'So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.'

Having received such undeserved forgiveness from our heavenly Father there is an obligation for us to live in a perpetual state of forgiving others the wrongs done against us. Where we live a life refusing to judge others or allow negative feelings to rise against those that enter our lives.

By holding to grudges, resentment, feelings of hurt and offense, reactions to unfair or unequal treatment and refusing to forgive, we open our lives to 'tormentors' and all manner of trouble: physical, emotional and spiritual.

In his second letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul when talking about forgiving a brother says, 'Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.'

Taking in the dark guest of unforgiveness into our hearts will open wide the door of vulnerability to the enemy's attacks both physically and spiritually. The writer of the Hebrews speaks of the root of bitterness that springs up and brings trouble, defiling many.

Unforgiveness will even hinder our receiving forgiveness from God Himself. Jesus says, 'But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.'

It is very serious. May I have a revelation of the huge debt I have been forgiven. And in all my relationships be on guard for those situations where unforgiveness is prowling, and so walk with such a heart of humility and love, that the arrows of the enemy's offenses cannot find any part of my life to attach themselves.

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