Thursday 5 March 2009

Thoughts for reflection . . . (Stability)

Faith in Christ Jesus is grounds for great stability in our lives as believers. When all around us is in a state of flux and in constant turmoil, our hearts can be in a condition of tranquility and peace because of God and His promises toward us.
[Matt7.24-25, Ps91.1-2,7, Ps119.165]

As the Psalmist says of God, 'He only is my rock and my salvation: He is my defense I shall not be moved.' God is awesome in His power. He has no equal. There is no limit to His understanding, wisdom and might. He arrayed the heavens with the galaxies, names all the stars, upholds and sustains all things. That same God is in the midst of His children whom He redeemed through the shed blood of our Saviour and Lord. He is not far removed from us but very near. He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us.
[Ps62.6, Is40.25-26,28, Ps147.4-5, Is48.13, Jer32.17-19, Col1.16-17, Heb13.5-6]

Knowing in the core of our being the nearness and involvement of God in our lives brings a calm that none other can bring. 'Knowing' is not just an acknowledgement of a truth but a living experience of the reality of that truth.
[Ps46.10, Ps9.10, Is32.17, John14.27]

The key to remaining unmoved in times of shaking is therefore to plant the anchor of our souls deep into the Rock that cannot be moved. That anchor will be so fixed through a revelation of who God is and applying simple child-like faith and trust in Him in every circumstance.
[Heb6.19, Ps125.1, Jer17.7-8]

This being so, we need to have that same yearning to know the Lord God as the apostle Paul declares in Phil 3.8-11.

May the foundation upon which I build be Christ alone and may my life's pursuit be that I may know Him.

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