Do I get disillusioned with my own shortcomings, weaknesses and failures and thus stop where I am, or have I become tired of the journey and content to settle with where I find myself?
The Psalmist declared in Ps17.15, 'I will behold Thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness.'
How important is it to me to be Christlike in all my ways? Christlikeness is not just words and deeds conforming to a pattern that we see in Scripture, it is a life yielded to God that results in His divine life flowing through us, bearing fruit that shapes our whole being.
Our life in Christ is a journey with a destination of a promised land. A 'land' where Christ will present us to Himself holy and without blemish. Where we are to be found in peace, without spot and blameless, clothed in a righteousness that is not our own but from Himself.
[Eph5.25-27, 2Pet3.13-15, Phil3.8-10]
Such a promised land awaits, but we can become satisfied with life in the wilderness, staying with the familiar but far short of where we are called to be. Until the day when we see the Lord, we should be careful not to settle where we are, but be seeking God with great diligence, to run the spiritual race with focus, and never stop at where we have thus attained but press forward to what is ahead.
[2Pet1.5-12, 1Cor9.24-27, Phil3.13-14]
2Pet1.4 indicates that the provision of the exceeding great and precious promises God has given us, is so that we might be partakers of the divine nature.
May I make full use of the promises that God has given me to see His life transform me, changing me day by day, so that I can echo the Psalmist: that I will be satisfied when I awake with likeness of Christ my Saviour.
- sent from Palm T|T3
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