[Luke9.62, 16.13, Rom12.2, 2John2.15-17]
The Scriptures declare in Psalm1.1, 'Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.'
The blessings of God come as we step off the path of conformity to the world's ways and expectations and stand in that place of separation unto God and obedience to Him. We are to live by the principles of another kingdom as revealed in the Scriptures. A kingdom that is not of this world.
[Ps128.1, Matt5.8, Luke11.28, 1John3.22, Rev22.14, John18.36]
We need to guard ourselves daily from adopting the traits of this age. The world's counsel will appear to us like signposts on our pathway which if followed will lead us off the narrow way that leads to life and take us down the same path of darkness as the world is walking. Instead we must allow the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to light our path, to be our Guide and be the source of our counsel and instruction.
[Ps119.105, 130, Ps32.8-9, John16.13, 1John2.20,27]
The way of the wicked and transgressor the Bible says is hard, is darkness, and will be turned upside down - but we can find ourselves standing in that same way if we adopt the pattern of the world in our lifestyle and our thoughts. Our lives reap what we sow.
[Prov13.15,20, Prov 4.19, Ps146.9, Eph5.5-8, Rev18.4, Gal6.7-8, Rom8.13-14]
We must walk through this world even as Jesus walked, keeping ourselves unspotted from it. We must stand in this evil day clothed in the armour that God has provided, with Him as our defense, keeping on the way of holiness. From that place of set apartness we must not look with a heart that judges those around us, but in humility recognise our position as recipients of grace, seated in Christ in heavenly places, and allow His influence to dominate our lives.
[1John2.6, Jam1.27, Is35.8, Eph2.6]
- sent from Palm T|T3
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