When we come to faith in Christ, our condition is as a newborn child and our life from that point on should be one of continual growth unto maturity and onward in the direction of perfection - the completeness of Christlikeness that God has purposed for us.
[Rom8.29, 2Cor13.9, Col1.28, Col4.12, Heb6.1, 1Pet5.10]
In Heb5.11-14 the believers were challenged about their lack of progress spiritually. The writer of Hebrews said they should by that time have been teachers, yet they still needed 'milk' food instead of meat.
How does my life compare?
Am I walking more closely to God than in the past? Am I gaining a deeper knowledge of God's Word and more importantly seeing that knowledge worked out practically in my daily living? Am I living to a greater level of holiness and eradicating worldliness in it's many subtle forms?
I need to be desiring God's Word and feeding on it in the same way as I would physical food for nourishment, growth and strength. Is God's Word having that place of priority in my daily life, so my life will be fruitful?
[1Pet2.2, Col3.16]
In 2Cor13.5 we are called to examine ourselves, to check our condition. We also see in the Lord's words to the Churches in Revelation, that He draws attention to their condition, calling them back to their first love, to be watchful, to strengthen that which remains, and to remember what had been received and heard. To not be lukewarm, and revealing the deception of not seeing their true state before Him.
[Rev2.4-5, 3.2-3,15-19]
I need to be taking stock of my life before God, making an honest assessment of my lifestyle, character and ways. I need to be vulnerable before the Lord so that He can point out areas of progress and show me where greater progress and change needs to be seen.
May I never be standing still but always moving forward unto conformity to the Lord Jesus.
- sent from Palm T|T3
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