Am I looking forward to that day, is it something I am consciously preparing for, waiting for, desiring to see? One may respond and say, "but that is way off in the future, there are more important things to focus on" but in 2Peter3.12-14 the Apostle Peter says 'looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God', 'we according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness', 'wherefore ... seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent .... '.
The emphasis in these scriptures is one of looking into the future with expectation to what God is bringing in, so that it has a direct impact on our daily living - 'that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.' (2Pet 3.14)
This same perspective was seen back in the Old Testament influencing the patriarchs: Heb 11.10 of Abraham, 'for he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God', and in Heb 11.14,16 of all those that died in faith, 'they ... declare plainly that they seek a country ... they desire a better country, that is an heavenly'.
God has an incredible future planned for His children. Imagine for a moment how wondrous that new heaven and new earth will be such that the former will not be remembered or come to our mind. A place that fills us with wonder and joy in the direct presence of God, a place of no tears, no suffering, no pain, no sin, a place where righteousness dwells.
Our hearts need to be caught up with the expectation of that time and place. It will radically change our perspective on what by comparison is a 'short' period of time in this fallen world. We will then be more likely to consider ourselves pilgrims and strangers in this life (Heb11.13, 1Peter2.11), and hold lightly to the things of this world. Less likely to get wrapped up in pursuing earthly matters but will rather turn the rudder of our lives to catch the winds of the Holy Spirit's purposes and goals for us.
May I keep my focus on the unseen (2Cor4.18), remembering my true citizenship is in heaven (Phil 3.20), and living in such a way that I'm getting ready to dwell there.
- sent from Palm T|T3