Heb10.23 says that we are to hold fast to the profession of our hope without wavering (for He is faithful that promised). The word profession in the original Greek means 'to say the same thing'. There needs to be a consistency of faith in how we speak in the midst of all our circumstances but especially in the storms.
It is natural when going through tough times to speak of things as our eyes and feelings would dictate to us. However as believers we have a greater truth than the facts of what we see. And that truth, God's Word, can change and impact what we see if we believe unwaveringly in God's faithfulness to what He promised (Rom 4.20-21).
Heb 3.1 speaks of Jesus as the High Priest of our profession (same Greek word). So what will I decide about how I'm going to speak about things that I'm going through?
Let me consistently speak from the perspective of knowing the Almighty God that has me in His hands - however dark the clouds above me may be. Let me speak according to the declared promises of God to me . . promises of healing, provision, deliverance, strength, hope, restoration. Let me speak in faith and trust in the One who will come to my rescue and aid (Ps 46.1-3)
God is faithful, and through faith and patience we will inherit the promises (Heb 6.12).
- sent from Palm T|T3
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