Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Thoughts for reflection . . . (Consuming Fire)

In a world that is increasingly dominated by political correctness, in a society where absolutes are being eroded and it could be described that every man lives by the rule of doing that which is right in his own eyes, where sin is given a label of acceptability, do I have a balanced and accurate recognition of the character and holiness of Almighty God?

Heb12.28-29 says, 'Wherefore we receiving a kingdom that cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.'

Do I fear God . . . ? Is my life, while knowing the wonder of God's infinite love directed towards me in and through Christ Jesus, balanced by the awe and reverential fear of the Holy God who is Light and in Whom is no darkness? (1John1.5)

Do I come to God understanding I am His adopted child with a heart cry of 'Abba, Father' (Rom8.15), but also taking heed to Jesus' declaration in Matt 10.28, 'fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him that is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.'

I may not have experienced the vision of Isaiah who when seeing the Lord said, 'woe is me, I am undone . . for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.' (Is6.5) nor may I have had the revelation of the Apostle John who when seeing Jesus 'fell at His feet as dead.' (Rev1.17) But am I living my life in the continual awareness that Whom they saw is the same God and Lord Jesus that I live for? Does the reality of this truth govern my thoughts, words and deeds?

When I enter His presence in prayer or with others congregationally, do I rush in or have a casual attitude? Or do I still myself to allow His majesty and awesomeness to attract my full attention?

Do I delight in those things that God delights in: lovingkindness, justice and righteousness (Jer9.24)? Do I hate those things which God hates: Prov 6.16-19?

Do I tremble at God's word (Is 66.2), recognising the treasure it is, but also the awesome responsibility that comes with being given such truths that are contained therein?

May my life be evenly tempered by the revelation of God's love toward me as His redeemed child along with the reverence, awe and fear that God is owed, the One who dwells in light unapproachable (1Tim6.16) and Whom angels worship.

- sent from Palm T|T3

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