Sunday, 5 October 2008

Thoughts for reflection . . . (Patience)

Am I letting patience complete it's job in my life?

The Scriptures declare in James 1.4 to 'let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.' The word patience in the original Greek means a 'bearing up under, endurance, perserverence as to things and circumstances'.

How do I view the difficulties and storms that may blow across the fields of my life? Such storms can come in many shapes and sizes but what is my reaction to them?

God's predestined purpose for every believer's life is to conform us to the likeness of His Son, the Lord Jesus (Rom8.29), evidenced in word, thought and deed.

Character development comes through character testing. The quality of fruit is known by it's taste. The tasting of the fruit of our lives is that which flows from us in response to the circumstances we pass through. Are those around me experiencing a bitter or a sweet taste?

It's against a backdrop of the dark rain clouds of storms and trials that faith is tested and we can grow and mature in our spiritual lives. Gold is found in it's purest form as it comes out of the furnace after all the impurities have been melted away.

When the valley of difficulty and trial comes to an end, my rejoicing should not be in the deliverance alone that God has accomplished for me but whether there has been a change on the inside of me as a result of that situation. What work has God wrought in me? Can I look and see another aspect of the character of Jesus shining through my life more clearly?

This will be a true cause of rejoicing when we're seeing the grace of God working in our lives and Jesus more evident in us, thus bringing more glory to God: our ultimate aim.

- sent from Palm T|T3

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