In war, territory is never taken by staying in a defensive position but pushing forward against the enemy. In Matt11.12 the Lord states, '... the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.' The Apostle Paul says to 'fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life.' (1Tim6.12) and declares near the end of his life, 'I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course.' (2Tim4.7) I am in a spiritual battle as a follower of Christ and there are many areas in my life where I need to advance, gain ground and see change. This will only come through direct action on my part empowered by the grace of God and the working of the Holy Spirit in me.
Our society and culture, if allowed, will lull us into passivity in how we live, causing us to prefer to remain in our comfort zones, rather that moving out from where we are into the attaining of what God is calling us toward. It will deceive us into thinking that things will never change, to accept things as they are, both in our lives and in the fallen world in which we live.
But we must arise! The Apostle Paul says in the context of knowing Christ in Phil3.11, 'if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.' This statement implies the apostle is endeavouring to make certain his inclusion in that future resurrection, do I have the same intention and attitude? Am I making my calling and election sure?(2Pet1.10)
In that same passage in Philippians 3 the apostle goes on to say, ' . . I follow after . . . reaching forth . . . I press toward . . .'(Phil3.12-14)
Am I pressing forward in prayer each day, breaking the shackles of tiredness or busyness to commune with God? Am I digging into the gold mine of the Scriptures with ever greater fervancy, discovering the treasures hidden therein and being clothed with the fruit of His Word? Am I stretching the boundaries of my evangelism through the daily annointing of the Holy Spirit, reaching more souls with the message of life eternal and seeing God's kingdom come?
May I always be in 'pursuit mode' in my life - pursuing that high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Phil3.14)
- sent from Palm T|T3
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