Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Thoughts for reflection . . . (Abiding)

Jesus describes our relationship with Him as one where we are branches, in Him the true Vine. (John15.5)

A branch has no life of it's own. The life that flows through it and the fruit it produces comes solely from the life received from the vine of which it is part. Do I see my life so grafted into the Lord (Rom11.17) that I live in an attitude of total dependence upon Him? A dependence that flows from a convinced belief and acknowledgement that I can do nothing without Him. (John15.5)

The scriptures also declare that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God (Luke4.4, Deut8.3). The strength of my life, my life-force spiritually is directly related to the level to which God's Word is abiding in me (1John2.14, John8.31, John15.7). It is related to the inflow, by faith and revelation, of that Word, and the outworking of it in my life: God's Word needs to take up permanent residence in me. It needs to be the reference point and plumbline against which every aspect of my life is judged and aligned. Am I daily feeding on God's Word? Am I living by it? Is my life patterned by that Word? Is it shaping my thoughts and the content of my words and my actions?

Abiding in Christ speaks of remaining, staying in that position of special relationship and dependency on Him. Am I consciously and consistently staying close to the Lord? Or do I allow the world and the age I live in to distance me from my Saviour, sidetracking my attention and love for Him?

How much do I turn to the Lord for strength, wisdom and guidance along the pathway of life? Do I turn to Him first or as a last resort? Eternal life is in Him (1John 5.11), all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Him (Col2.3). He is full of grace and truth (John1.14) and my completeness can only be found in Him. (Col2.10)

May the eyes of my heart be continually opened to see how much I need Christ, so that I cling to Him and never loosen my hold or desire to know Him more.

- sent from Palm T|T3

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