In the words of the old song, 'because He lives I can face tomorrow'. As we search the treasure of the Scriptures we will find many a 'because' that can be the bedrock of our daily living and give us a persistence to move forward positively.
Because God will never leave us nor forsake us, we can have assurance; because He is for us, we can have confidence; because He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world, we can overcome; because all His promises are 'Yes' and 'Amen' in Christ, we can have expectation.
[Heb13.5, Rom8.31, 1John4.4, 2Cor1.20]
Because He that leads us is Faithful and True, let us follow faithfully and closely; because the days are evil, let us be redeeming the time; because we want to see the Lord, let us be pursuing holiness; because we are looking forward to new heavens and a new earth, may we have a diligence in being at peace, without spot and blameless before God.
[Rev19.11, Eph5.16, Heb12.14, 2Pet3.13-14]
May I always be mindful of all that I have because of Christ Jesus, and live each day from that perspective.