As the Lord walked upon this earth, the call He made to His disciples was a simple 'follow Me'. The calling of the believer today remains the same, we are to be followers of Christ.
[Matt4.19, Matt16.24, Mark10.21, Luke9.59, John1.43, John12.26, John21.22, 1Cor11.1, 1John2.6]
Am I blazing my own trail through life and the circumstances and trials that confront me? Am I tackling life in my own way and wisdom? Do people see in me traits that are earthly in their origin, or do they see in me those qualities that can only be seen from a life that is closely abiding with the Lord and heavenly in nature?
The Lord Jesus lived a life in close communion with God the Father. He lived out the purpose He came for and fulfilled all of God's will. In the process He trod a road that included temptation, suffering and rejection. In all these situations He provided us an example to follow.
[John4.34, John8.28-29, John15.10, John17.4, Heb4.15, John1.10-11, Is53.3-8, 1Peter2.21-23]
Am I taking my example from Him? Is the Lord the Plumbline against which I measure my life? Do I study the Scriptures from the perspective of what I see in the Lord's ways is how God has empowered me to live by providing me the gift of the Holy Spirit?
[Acts1.8, Rom8.1-11]
May I always keep the Lord in front of me, fixing my eyes on Him. May I not be pulling in my own direction but submit to His yoke that is easy and lead a life that is lead.
[Ps16.8, Heb12.2, Matt11.28-30]
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