Sunday, 26 April 2009

Thoughts for reflection . . . (Because)

The pages of our lives can be full of many questions. Circumstances that we pass through may raise many "why's?". Yet we should not be living our lives in the shadows of these questions, legitimate as they may be, but turn our focus to the many 'because's' that we find in Scripture. Living in the 'because' will raise faith and hope, whereas living in the 'why?' can just result in doubt and unbelief.

In the words of the old song, 'because He lives I can face tomorrow'. As we search the treasure of the Scriptures we will find many a 'because' that can be the bedrock of our daily living and give us a persistence to move forward positively.

Because God will never leave us nor forsake us, we can have assurance; because He is for us, we can have confidence; because He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world, we can overcome; because all His promises are 'Yes' and 'Amen' in Christ, we can have expectation.
[Heb13.5, Rom8.31, 1John4.4, 2Cor1.20]

Because He that leads us is Faithful and True, let us follow faithfully and closely; because the days are evil, let us be redeeming the time; because we want to see the Lord, let us be pursuing holiness; because we are looking forward to new heavens and a new earth, may we have a diligence in being at peace, without spot and blameless before God.
[Rev19.11, Eph5.16, Heb12.14, 2Pet3.13-14]

May I always be mindful of all that I have because of Christ Jesus, and live each day from that perspective.

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