Sunday, 11 January 2009

Thoughts for reflection . . . (Dependence)

In the varied terrain of the circumstances of life that I pass through, am I walking with dependency upon God in all things, or is there independence in my life? Do I rely upon my own experience, wisdom, strength and determination to get me through the valleys, or to scale the mountain slopes of difficulties I face, or do I recognise and acknowledge my own limitations and therefore seek God for all I need?

The Scriptures show that a believer's position of strength, and the overcoming of what we face, comes through Christ and a total dependence upon God.
[2Cor4.7, Phil4.11-13, 1John4.4, Ps18.1-3, Prov3.5, Ps44.5-8, Ps55.22]

The Apostle Paul says, 'Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;'

Genuine trust in the Lord will be reflected by a total reliance upon Him. The purpose of our lives is to bring glory to God. God receives glory when I can look back on my life and point to Him being the source and foundation of all that was accomplished.
[1Cor10.31, 2Cor1.20, 2Cor4.15, Phil1.9-11, 1Cor4.11-15, Rom11.36]

Walking in independence places trust in my own abilities and finds it's roots in pride. Jesus said, 'for without Me ye can do nothing.' If we believe what Jesus said to be true, it will cause us to depend totally on Him, to abide closely to Him, to not seek to achieve anything through our own resources, but instead drawing on the treasures of provision that God has given us in Christ.

May the testimony of my life be as stated by John the Baptist, 'He must increase, but I must decrease.' May all I do be in His strength and for His glory.
[John3.30, Col3.17, 1Cor10.31]

- sent from Palm T|T3

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