The Lord when speaking to the Church of Laodicea said He would spue them out of His mouth because of their lukewarmness. We must not allow our love for God to be cooled by deception or by the winds of the world's indifference, nor lose the recognition of our true condition before Him.
In 2Tim2.22 the Apostle Paul says to 'flee also youthful lusts; but follow righteousness, faith, love, peace . . '. The Greek word translated here 'follow' is elsewhere translated in a different context as 'persecute'. The implication of this word therefore implies intensity and focus in going after the subject at hand.
[Matt5.10-12, John5.16, Acts9.4, 22.4]
My life as a believer should be one of zeal and passion in following Christ, a life with a single undistracted focus and devotion. My heart should be strongly pursuing righteousness: the godly, holy lifestyle that is the outworking of the righteousness I have in Christ Jesus. Pursuing faith: that simple believing and trusting in God in all areas of my life. Pursuing love: the root from which every part of my life in word and deed should grow and pursuing peace: that inner calm and stillness that is independent of external circumstances and only found in Christ.
[1John3.7, Heb12.14, Gal5.6, Eph2.14, 3.17, 5.2, Col3.15]
May my eyes be anointed to see clearly the true condition of my heart. May I fan the flames of devotion to the Lord through repentance where necessary, and by realigning the activities of my life provide fuel to that fire of love for Him.
- sent from Palm T|T3
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