Thursday, 15 January 2009

Thoughts for reflection . . . (Wind and Clouds)

Our lives as followers of Christ should be lives of fruitfulness. As a farmer would never expect a harvest without the planting of seed, so we also cannot expect to look for fruit and a harvest where the necessary labour has not been undertaken to see the desired results.
[John15.16, 1Cor3.8-9, 1Cor15.58, Col1.28-29, 1Thess3.5]

Fruitfulness requires action and obedience on our part. The Scripture declares that 'He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.'

The spreading of the Gospel and extension of God's kingdom is one of the primary areas we should be looking for fruitfulness in our lives. However, it can be too easy for us to be observing the winds of change and storms around us and be waiting for circumstances to become more compliant before fulfilling our call as ambassadors for Christ. We need to be taking every opportunity to communicate the truths of the Gospel and sowing seeds of God's Word in the lives of those with whom we meet in this world.

Man's countenance can also be an obstacle to us going out to reap in the harvest that Jesus spoke of. The Lord said to Jeremiah, 'Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee.' We need to be set free from the fear of man so that we are not hindered in moving forward to see the advance of the kingdom of God. Not fearing people's reactions, nor trying to predict their responses, but reaching out with faith and expectation, remembering God's promise that He is with us and will never leave us.
[John4.35-38, Jer1.8, Ps118.6, Prov29.25, Heb13.5-6, Is41.10, Ps56.4]

Clouds of the storms of persecution and rejection may build. Clouds of difficulties and trials may cast their shadow over our lives, yet in the midst of such times God still has a harvest field for us to work in.

What other winds and clouds am I observing that are holding me back? May my focus not be on the atmosphere around me or the threatening skies that would try and bring fear and hesitation, but on the Lord of the harvest: the One to Whom the winds and storms must obey. With such focus may I then be a faithful witness and not shy away from declaring the truths that can set people free.
[Matt9.38, Mark4.41, John8.31-32,36]

- sent from Palm T|T3

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