As I travel through this world, encountering the varied circumstances that make up the tapestry of my life, what do I consider home?
Is home to me limited only to the place I live, or maybe being in the presence of loved ones, such as family or friends? Or do I have a greater vision, one of an eternal home, in the presence of my Saviour for time without end? Where does my heart naturally incline to? What perspective influences me the most?
How I spend my time and energy, together with the way I think will either tie me to this world and shackle me to a worldly perspective, or it will bring focus on the unseen and free me into a life of preparation for the tomorrow that is coming, and the eternal home prepared for me.
The Lord's return or my going to meet Him may be many years hence, yet I need to be living as if it were tomorrow. Jesus said, 'Surely I come quickly', 'be ye also ready', 'watch therefore for ye know neither the day nor the hour', 'Watch therefore and pray always.'
[Rev21.20, Matt24.44, 25.13, Luke 21.36]
Jesus said that His return would be as in the days of Noah: eating, drinking, marrying, the normal activities of life taking place with people totally unawares of the pending 'end of things as they know it'. For the believer it should be different than for those of the world. With a pilgrim mentality and a heart focussed on preparation we should be in a continual state of readiness for the Lord's return, being about our Master's business.
[Matt24.38,1Pet2.11, Heb11.13, Luke12.35-38]
May my heart be drawn to the eternal, that I may be effective in the temporal. May my focus be on where I'm going and not from where I come. May I be sowing my life into those God directed activities which reap eternal reward.
- sent from Palm T|T3
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